"Crying will solve nothing, it will only cause you to dehydrate yourself..."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

7 sins and me

The 7 human or deadly sins : Wrath, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Envy and Gluttony

Well this time, I am going to talk on how I have committed these sins in my life. But before going onto talking about how I committed these sins, below is an explanation on these sins, mostly copy and paste to save time :

  • From dictionary.com - strong, stern, or fierce anger; deeply resentful indignation
  • From Wikipedia - also known as anger or "rage", may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. Anger, in its purest form, presents with self-destructiveness, violence, and hate that may provoke feuds that can go on for centuries. Anger may persist long after the person who did another a grievous wrong is dead. Feelings of anger can manifest in different ways, including impatience, revenge, and vigilantism.
  • From dictionary.com - excessive or rapacious desire, esp. for wealth or possessions.
  • From Wikipedia - also known as avarice or covetousness, is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess. However, greed (as seen by the church) is applied to a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power.

  • From dictionary.com -habitual disinclination to exertion; indolence; laziness.
  • From Wikipedia -Gradually, the focus came to be on the consequences of acedia, rather than the cause, and so, by the 17th century, the exact deadly sin referred to was believed to be the failure to utilize one's talents and gifts. In practice, it came to be closer to sloth (Latin, Socordia) than acedia. Even in Dante's time there were signs of this change; in his Purgatoriohe had portrayed the penance for acedia as running continuously at top speed.

    The modern view goes further, regarding laziness and indifference as the sin at the heart of the matter. Since this contrasts with a more willful failure to, for example, love God and his works, sloth is often seen as being considerably less serious than the other sins, more a sin of omission than of commission.

  • From dictionary.com -a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance,merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or asdisplayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
  • From Wikipedia -is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God).
  • From dictionary.com -intense sexual desire or appetite.
  • From Wikipedia - is usually thought of as excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature. Aristotle's criterion was excessive love of others, which therefore rendered love and devotion to God as secondary
  • From dictionary.com -a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard toanother's advantages, success, possessions, etc.
  • From Wikipedia -Like greed, Envy may be characterized by an insatiable desire; they differ, however, for two main reasons. First, greed is largely associated with material goods, where as envy may apply more generally. Second, those who commit the sin of envy resent that another person has something they perceive themselves as lacking, and wish the other person to be deprived of it.
  • From dictionary.com -excessive eating and drinking.
  • From Wikipedia -Derived from the Latin gluttire, meaning to gulp down or swallow, gluttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. In the Christian religions, it is considered a sin because of the excessive desire for food or its withholding from the needy
Well now that you have a rough idea what each of the sins mean, below here is how the sins relate to me

- When I was still in primary school, I could not control my emotions at all, unlike now. Upon the slightest provocation I will lose my temper and throw a tantrum. It was until around primary 5 or 6 I learnt how to control my anger. I remember beating people up and throwing desks and chairs around.

- I am down right greedy. The reason I came to Hwa Chong Institution is for the money my father offered me. I remember how money face I was, seeing that I could get that amount of money by just coming to the school, I took his offer, and place Hwa Chong as one of my choices. But after coming here, I regret taking that money. Till now, I am still swayed towards money.

- Well I am lazy. I remember saying this on a previous post. I am lazy to the point that I even skip brushing my teeth cause I find it a hassle, but I still brush them once a day so don't worry.

- Well I am not that proud or anything. I just boast about how well I can play games and how well I shoot with a real revolver during NPCC training.

- As you all know, I am a pervert. Most of the animes and mangas I watched and read will have some sexual scenes, though not that intense. And as said from my previous post, I am a growing boy, its natural for me to be interested. But I have self control, and I am not interested in real life, so I intend to keep my desires on the net and not in real life. Well never mind.

- I envy others, for they do not have that much fats like me! I envy girls, for they do not need to go for National Service! I envy the class, for they are able to bring themselves to mug and do well in tests! I envy the children, for they do not realize how cruel the world is!

- I think its clear how its related to me. I can finish a plate of rice within a minute in primary school. I eat 2 times as much and as fast as a normal human. Enough said, I am gluttonous.

After saying all these, I realize what potential danger I placed myself in, especially for the part about Lust. Please don't take it too serious. That is all, have a nice day.


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