"Crying will solve nothing, it will only cause you to dehydrate yourself..."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Who is my favourite character in Village by the Sea

Alright, I am going to talk about my favourite character in Village by the Sea. And the character is Mr Panwallah.

Why him?

Simple, he is:
.does not look down on Hari
.and many more

Reasons why I said those:
Kind - When Hari needed to write a letter to his family back at his village, Mr Panwallah was
kind enough to lend him a pen and a postcard( if I am not wrong) so that he could write
back to his family to let them know how he was doing.

Does not look down on Hari - He was willing to teach Hari how to repair watches and clocks
eventhough Hari was just a village boy. Normally people will not
care about a person like Hari and look down on that person, but
Mr Panwallah did not, instead he taught Hari a skill that was useful
for finding another job.

There are still more things that make him my favourite character, but due to the time constrain I have, I shall end this post by concluding that my favourite character in Village by the Sea is
Mr Panwallah

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