"Crying will solve nothing, it will only cause you to dehydrate yourself..."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My blog prompt: The chip off the old block?

Alright, to start this post, how many of you readers resemble a lot like your father or mother? Most are yes, but some are a no.

When using the phrase " chip off the old block", it refers as the person being like his parent(s) when he or she or they were at that person's age.

For my case, I am more of a person who does not resemble in personality and thinking of either of my parents, but resembles my father in looks, though I am a lot taller than him, not to insult his height.

Most of my relatives say I look like him, which sometimes makes me a bit upset. I do not really like it, so I kept argueing that I did not. But I still will not change my looks just because of that.

But I am a bit like my mother because our taste for food is a bit the same. We like spicy food, though she cannot take too much if not she will have health problems.

So that is all for this blog prompt, have a good day!

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