"Crying will solve nothing, it will only cause you to dehydrate yourself..."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My blog prompt: The chip off the old block?

Alright, to start this post, how many of you readers resemble a lot like your father or mother? Most are yes, but some are a no.

When using the phrase " chip off the old block", it refers as the person being like his parent(s) when he or she or they were at that person's age.

For my case, I am more of a person who does not resemble in personality and thinking of either of my parents, but resembles my father in looks, though I am a lot taller than him, not to insult his height.

Most of my relatives say I look like him, which sometimes makes me a bit upset. I do not really like it, so I kept argueing that I did not. But I still will not change my looks just because of that.

But I am a bit like my mother because our taste for food is a bit the same. We like spicy food, though she cannot take too much if not she will have health problems.

So that is all for this blog prompt, have a good day!

Who is my favourite character in Village by the Sea

Alright, I am going to talk about my favourite character in Village by the Sea. And the character is Mr Panwallah.

Why him?

Simple, he is:
.does not look down on Hari
.and many more

Reasons why I said those:
Kind - When Hari needed to write a letter to his family back at his village, Mr Panwallah was
kind enough to lend him a pen and a postcard( if I am not wrong) so that he could write
back to his family to let them know how he was doing.

Does not look down on Hari - He was willing to teach Hari how to repair watches and clocks
eventhough Hari was just a village boy. Normally people will not
care about a person like Hari and look down on that person, but
Mr Panwallah did not, instead he taught Hari a skill that was useful
for finding another job.

There are still more things that make him my favourite character, but due to the time constrain I have, I shall end this post by concluding that my favourite character in Village by the Sea is
Mr Panwallah

Which part of Village by the Sea do I like best

This post will be on the Village by he Sea.

Personally, my choice would be the part whereby the villagers came to Bombay all together just to protest against the goverment for making plans of building factories and industrialization of their villages.

What makes it my favourite?
It is simple!

It shows how united the villagers were when their homes were going to be used as a industrial place without their consent. They helped one another the whole time and they did not care that they were from different villages. There was also a part where Hari was hungry and sad. It was then the villagers even helped him, by offering him some food, this really showed how they cared for each other. I was quite touched by the process.Though in the end they did not succeed, but they still did their best and should be proud of themselves.

So with that ends this post.

I rather be a city rat than the country rat

To start off this topic, I would like to ask you the reader this question:

Would you rather live in a city whereby you can enjoy the numerous amount of technology or would you rather live in a farm or a small town whereby there is only the basics of technologies like having a fan instead of a air-conditional?

Other than some nature loving people and simple people in this world, most will definitely choose the city. So, most people are city rats, including me. I would not want to be a country rat since the life will be hard and when you go to a city nearby, you will yourself being laughed at for knowing little of this world, but for a city rat, your life will be more easy and convenient, with the cell phones, computers, televisions all these made life more easy.

Though there may be some problems faced being a city rat, like the stress of the present education and the competitiveness of a job or other things, I still want to be a city rat rather than a country rat.

Confessions of a computer addict

All right! This post is going to be about the topic as you will see in the title, Confessions of a computer addict. Frankly speaking, I cannot bring myself to ever part with my laptop, only when I have to go for a camp or go for travels to other countries, but I will try to bring along with me to the countries.

Problems due to the addiction:

.I sometimes kept playing till I had forgotten to do my homework, causing lots of trouble and I had to come to school early just to finish my homework, but since I do my homework fast, I have few problems in handing them in on time.

.I often get scolded for using the computer for the whole day, sometimes my parents even keep my laptop at night, just to prevent me from secretly play my laptop late at night.

Those are just the few problems I faced, there are some more. But recently I was beginning to try and kick my addiction away as it was affecting my education, so I made a pact to stop being a addict to computers and spend more of my time on my education.