"Crying will solve nothing, it will only cause you to dehydrate yourself..."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Home Learning assignment

Sorry if it is too small, but the picture above is my Birmingham Grid for Learning results ( The code is t2sdr8pm88536jd ) . My two top scoring results are Visual/Spatial and Intrapersonal intelligences. For the Visual activity I shall do a poster, but it will be submitted via teacher, since I do have tools on my laptop to draw a poster. So below is summary about the intelligence test and the activity done for interpersonal.

Birmingham Grid of Learning - Multiple Intelligence Test:

This multiple intelligence test was introduced by my literature arts teacher as a learning tool to better understand ourselves on what our strong points are. I previously have taken some other intelligence tests, this one, the Birmingham Grid of Learning, is like the others, direct and inaccurate.

There are 20 questions to 50 questions to answer, with the choices of "This is not like me at all", "I am very rarely like this", "This is a bit like me", "This is sometimes like me", "I am like this more often than not" and "I am always like this", a range of 0 to 6 respectively. The questions are easy, but it is to point where some of them are too direct, like "I enjoy making music", which is obvious relating to Musical intelligence. Knowing that the question is related to what the person wants to be high in, he or she might play "dirty" and put a high choice to increase the score for that particular intelligence, which may not be true and thus giving a inaccurate result. An example is that if the person is not at all talented in linguistic intelligence, but he wants to give a good impression to others through this test that he is, he can cheat by selecting choices that will increase the score for that intelligence.

Since this test can be taken anytime, anywhere and retake any number of times, we might not take it seriously and without spending effort give any choice just to quickly finish the test, which will lead to inaccurate results. We might not read the question properly and give a suitable choice for that question.

So in conclusion, I feel that this test is not really accurate but still a good platform to understand ourselves.

Intrapersonal-Who would you want to be friends with in the novel?

For me, I would say I want to be friends with Boo Radley. It may sound like a joke or I am trying to mock him, but I really want to know how Boo Radley is like. In the novel, he is portrayed as a freak or a monster to the children in Maycomb, due to him being anti-social and is rejected by the society. But actually, he is actually a nice person. He has a kind heart and he protected both Jem and Scout when they were attacked by Bob Ewell due to the humiliation he suffered because of Atticus in the Tom Robinson's case. It will be great to have a friend like Boo, and it is possible that through being friends with him, he may become more sociable and be able to step out of his house and be accepted by society again, which will let others know that he is not as scary as the rumors portray him to be. With that, I hope to able to be friends with Boo Radley.


  1. Lenneth, I agree with what you say. Boo Radley is really a person with a warm heart and he cares for the people around him, although he is rarely seen by others and is also portrayed by others like Jem and Dill as a monster, just because he keeps himself in his own private life. If only he had friends, he would dare to step out of his house and befriend other people.

  2. Dear Lenneth, I agree with you on having Boo Radley as a friend. He is a kind-hearted person and not the monster soceity potrays him to be. This can be seen from the event where Boo Radley put a blanket over Scout when there was a fire. He also risked his life to save Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell. I think that if I were you, I will act as the "middle man" to help me forge friendship with the rest of the soceity and eventually he would not hide in the house anymore.
