"Crying will solve nothing, it will only cause you to dehydrate yourself..."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

NPCC parade

Sorry I did not post for so long, I have been restricted to use my laptop since it was examination period and my parents are quite worried about my results eversince I failed my science term test last term and the rest of the subjects were not that good, so I had not been able to access my internet at home since then. But I going to talk about my day at the NPCC parade on Saturday. It was quite surprising as I was the only secondary one student who went there to support my seniors. I at first felt so lonely since I was all by myself with the secondary two seniors, but I soon find myself mixing well with the seniors. They were shocked at first when they heard that I came with them and I was only secondary one, but soon accepted me and taught me some things about NPCC and told me about their experiences in NPCC. I found it interesting and learnt a lot. After reaching the Home Team Academy which was the venue, we waited a while then the parade started. The parade lasted about 1 to 2 hours and there was some entertainment put up by some schools. When it ended, we wen down and took a group photograph with the secondary three seniors who were involved in the parade and after all that, we boarded the bus and went back to Hwa Chong. Through this parade, I learnt quite a lot of things and I hoped that I can support my senors next year during the parade. Well that is all, goodbye!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Prelims for Project's Day

Today was as you see in the title, Project's Day prelim. My team, which consist of me, Mitch,
Thomson and Loo Jun Mun, who is my primary school friend and he is in class 1o1. Our project was about World War 2 and it is mainly about Singapore. When the judges asked why we wanted to do a project on World War 2, we explained that on the internet, the websites that explain about the events in World War 2 were mostly about the Europeans and lack detail of what happened in Singapore. Although they said that there already local website about Singapore's history, we were not at all disheartened as we knew that we could make our website more interesting and easier for the students, who are our main target audience, to understand as the information that the internet gives is either too difficult to comprehend or too wordy. We will do our best and hope that we can make it to the finals.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


These days I feel like I cannot just stop worrying about school matters. I have to do homework like everyday and I also have to do some projects. And sometimes when I reached home, I don't even feel like or have the energy to do my work. I should buck up and try to overcome these problems.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Sorry that I have not posted anything for a long time. I had to do a lot of homework these days and some more I had to do some projects also. I did not have much time to discuss some things on this blog so I may use some past issues to talk about, so you might say it is a bit outdated. But still, do visit this blog whenever you can.