"Crying will solve nothing, it will only cause you to dehydrate yourself..."

Friday, January 30, 2009

Little Ironies of Singapore

Hey! Today in my LA we talked about the story about a teacher and her student which is called "The teacher".It was on how the teacher failed to realize that the student,Geok Peng, was telling the teacher about her problems at home through essays that the teacher told the class to write. The teacher not only failed to see Geok Peng's problems, she even criticized her english and gave her bad grades. In the end, Geok Peng committed suicide and the teacher even said that Geok Peng should have told her her problems. I felt sad for Geok Peng as she was a shy and timid girl and the only way she can express her problems is to write about it in her essays, but the teacher still did not understand that.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tag Box Issue

I have finally managed to get a tag box on my blog. If you notice, if you post a comment on the tag box,the comment will appear on my personal blog(informal).Which means that both blogs are linked. So if you want to post a comment, think carefully before you do so.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

CNY Day 2

Today felt like a normal day,nothing special at all. I thought that today was going to be different from other days but no, there was nothing special, just visiting relatives and friends and collecting red packets. So that is all, if you want to leave a comment, go ahead, feel free.

Monday, January 26, 2009

CNY Day 1

This Chinese New Year is quite a meaningful one as I felt the spirit of a family reunion. There was full of laughter when the whole family tell one another how their life was in the past year of 2008 and the many exciting things that had happened. I even felt a little sense of pride when they ask me which school I entered for my secondary studies. I guess I am a bit of a show off. But still I am careful of what I say in front of others to not hurt their feelings. So that is all for today,since it is late, bye!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Erm...since I am still new to this, can anyone tell me how to get a tag box? I seriously need it, since a good blog needs a tag box and if I do not get one I will not get a good grade for my Literature Arts(or known as LA), so be a kind soul and help me out, please....

Chinese New Year!

Hey everybody! It is Chinese New Year and here I wish everybody a Happy Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Hello to all! This is the start of my blog for education! I am new to this so if the blog is not good please tell me how to improve!